Live Dates • May 4, 2012
“Five Leadership Tips From Bruce Springsteen”

From Allen St. John at
Last night, I was at the Prudential Center in Newark NJ for the last show of the first leg of Bruce Springsteen’s Wrecking Ball Tour. I’ve been to dozens of Springsteen shows over the years, stretching back to The River tour, and I’m shocked to find myself saying this: Last night might have been my best Bruce show ever.
But I also know that the greatness of this show wasn’t an accident. It was the result of planning, experience, and an understanding of the delicate balance between what the audience wants and what it needs.
I don’t think there’s a business in the U.S. that couldn’t learn a thing or two from what Springsteen did last night. Here are a few important lessons, and more to the point, a few great video clips, so you can see for yourself.